30 August - 10 September, 2014
Hey there!
Kath is about half way through her yoga instructors course, and continuing her incredible adventure in the depths of the Costa Rican jungle. She wants to let everyone know that she is alive and well, and continuing to impress with healthy eating, headstands and backflips (at least that's what I understand she's doing, but I'm sure she will fill us in with more detail shortly).
So, whilst we are looking forward to meeting up with Kath (and Britta, Dalbs' better half) in New York in a couple of short weeks, the Damo and Dalbs quest continues for another glorious update, this one outlining our adventure through the mid west, Albuquerque to New Orleans. Who would have thought we would have made it this far?!
The highlight
- Monument valley and the Mexican Hat
- Albuquerque for Labor Day where we stayed at an eclectic place with chickens and a very enthusiastic mother of one. Airbnb continues to keep us on our toes!
- Roswell we enjoyed all-you-can-eat ribs (big mistake) and alien paraphernalia. Although we did have a competitive game of throws in a pool. Damo won one game, Dalbs another. We also went thrift shopping, walking away with 2 vests for 2 whole dollars. Bargain!
- Dallas consisted of cruisy bars, harry potter closets, and sneaking into hotels to use their pools (namely the W hotel in Dallas, being our alias Mr Picallo, room 409 of course. Here on business. Third largest imitation crab meat salesman in the Dallas area).
- Austin, the forever college town, kept us entertained with a campus tour, the opening game of college football (go the Longhorns), and cool natural swimming holes, where we broke up a fight between a volunteer parking ticket officer and an aggressive recipient of the aforementioned parking infringement (resulting in cops coming and us providing witness statements). Austin is super fit and healthy, with one of the coolest supermarkets we have ever seen (we spent hours in there, who would have guessed a supermarket would be a tourist attraction)! Austin also had a cool area near 6th street consisting of a row of old houses, done up into themed bars.
- Finally, we made it to New Orleans, where jazz bands dominate and ghost tours excite. We also went exploring for somewhere to do some exercise and found a place specialising in vertical fitness. Never having experienced vertical fitness, we gave it a go. Turns out vertical fitness = pole dancing classes. Which we totally nailed by the way. Looks like we've found a new source of funding for the trip!
The Summary
Weather: Beautifully hot! The desert can be funny like that... and New Orleans is properly humid.
Surf: Nope, although we tried to surf at an indoor wave pool. But it was out of order.
Food: We have done plenty of cooking, with delicious meals. We've also had our fair share of fried American food. When in Rome.
Beverages: Just a cheeky whisky here and there.
Not getting into trouble... the cops in Albuquerque were incredibly friendly and hilariously funny! Although a very quiet place, especially given we were there for Labor day. Where was everyone?? |
Albuquerque, where Breaking Bad was filmed. This guy loving the Breaking Bad paraphernalia! |
Nicely cut... the vegetables that is :) Part of our healthy eating approach to travel. |
Roswell, New Mexico
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The locals look a little different in Roswell... |
When in Roswell, drink the local stuff! |
Dallas, Texas
Dallas, putting the I in bIg. We then enjoyed the facilities at the W hotel. They're very accommodating. |
In Dallas, we found an "extreme" park called Zero Gravity. |
Nothing like bungee jumping to cure a hangover |
Austin, Texas
Austin, with it's massive university! If you've seen the movie Road Trip (which we had just finished watching ourselves), it's kinda like that. |
Getting heaps of learnen' in the uni library |
Hook em' horns! |
One of the natural spring pools in Austin. They even had a diving board here, where i skilfully belly flopped a dive and Dalbs face planted a flip. In front of a lot of people. This is where self confidence comes to die. |
Before the football games, Austinites "tailgate" which means they throw huge parties in public carparks, consuming beer and cooking up bbq's. Is this legal? We were actually told of this concept by a passing policeman. Not only legal, but encouraged! |
The game. Opening game of the season. We didn't understand what was happening, or why, we just booed when people booed, cheered when they cheered, and, like all games, blamed the referee for any players' mistakes. |
We totally fit in with our Longhorns tshirts. Chameleons. Just blending in. |
Houston, Texas
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We stopped off at NASA for an hour to check out the place. Could have spent all day there! Incredible. |
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Two space cadets. |
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I thought it would be bigger...? |
New Orleans, Louisiana
The street lights use actual fire! We need to introduce this into Sydney. What could possibly go wrong? |
New Orleans is all about the music. Jazz. And these guys are some of the best! |
On our way to take a yoga class, we stumbled on "vertical fitness". Definitely not pole dancing. Turns out we're pretty good! That's what they told us in between pointing and laughing... |
Trick photography. We're actually just leaning on horizontal poles... |
Cemetery tour with a highly eccentric local tour guide who advert online included a review stating "if you want a tour guide that looks like a homeless man, with pizza stains on his shirt, then this is the tour for you." We signed up immediately and were not disappointed! |
We met this guy in New Orleans. Mr In Cognito. He was hilarious. |
The street cars in New Orleans are an old but enjoyable way to see the city. And the city's inhabitants. |
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The journey continues...! |